Explore the World of Gesù Bambino Nursery School in Abano Terme!

 Discovering the School

Throughout the preschool years, boys and girls achieve significant milestones that lay the groundwork for future learning. They acquire the ability to harmoniously embrace every dimension of their ‘self,’ the confidence within their social environment, self-awareness, understanding of their body and differences, and a sense of belonging to their community.

The gradual maturation of their identity leads to the discovery of their capabilities, an awareness of their needs, and the ability to seek assistance when necessary to achieve personal autonomy. Play is the children’s voice, a privileged means of expression. Through play, they can articulate themselves, their understandings, what intrigues or troubles them, in a way that, unlike the reality of adults, is entirely chosen and governed by themselves in terms of timing, paths, and methods.

Play stands as one of the most delicate and sensitive arenas wherein precise inclusive strategies are implemented and refined. Both the indoor and outdoor spaces at ‘Gesù Bambino’ Preschool in Abano Terme guide children, enabling the adoption of positive social-civic behaviors, fostering exploration, discovery, play, collaborative activities, concentration, and intimacy.

Our approach revolves around moments of care, hospitality, playful experiences, and activities offered within sections and various workshops, all aimed at holistic and continuous growth within an educational journey. We are committed to welcoming all boys and girls within an educational relationship nurtured by a caring attitude, acknowledging that, at this age, social interaction, emotions, learning, and personal development are closely intertwined dimensions.

All our teachers, with dedication and professionalism, sparks wonder, curiosity, and marvel through actions, learning experiences, events, and games.

The Educational Workshops

The Classroom Spaces

Strengths: Children’s Smiles

The Early Drop-off and Late Pick-up Service

The school opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 4:00 PM.

For those who require it, there is the possibility to drop off their child starting at 7:30 AM and pick them up at 5:00 PM, upon written request.

The preschool offers the option of early drop-off (7:30-8:00 AM) and extended hours (4:00-5:00 PM) at a cost of €200 each or €300 for both, to be paid in a single installment upon enrollment.

Children are welcomed in the hall from 7:30 to 8:30 AM, then escorted to their classrooms by 8:30 AM, concluding the welcoming period by 9:00 AM.

At the end of the school day, there is the possibility to extend the hours from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, only for those who have made a written request.

The children’s daily routine is filled with activities and follows this hourly schedule:


8.00 – 9.00 Welcoming in the hall initially, then in class from 8:30 AM
9.00 – 9.30 Snack, class activities, free play, or scheduled workshops
11.15 – 11.30 Preparation for lunch, personal care, and hygiene
11.30 -12.10 Lunch and cleanup
12.10 -13.00 Free play in the garden, hall, or section
12.30 -13.00 First group departure
13.00 – 15.00 Personal care, learning activities for medium and older children, and afternoon nap for the young ones in their sections
15.00 -15.40 Snack, toilet routine, and material tidying
15.30 – 16.00 Departure

The nap routine for young children takes place within their respective sections.

Access to the main toilet facilities is divided into time slots with the presence of two sections at a time.

Toilet facilities in the hall are used to allow other sections to maintain a suitable routine.

To facilitate a calm and gradual adjustment, in September, a differentiated schedule (times and days) is proposed based on age groups.

The integration of “new entrants” is prioritized for 2 days with parental presence and 2 days with the section teacher.

Medium and older children, following the adjustment of young children, stay at school from 8:15 AM to 11:45 AM without parental presence.

Starting the second week of school, all young children stay until lunchtime, with an exit between 12:30 and 1:00 PM (1st exit), and all medium and older children stay for the entire school day with an exit between 3:30 and 4:00 PM.

Young children start attending for the full day after 3 weeks of attendance.





You can contact us via email at:



Phone: 0498600028 – Mobile. 3517943076

School Canteen

Discover the Children’s Menus

Italian goodness extends beyond the flavors and delightful aromas that characterize its cuisine; it also encompasses the cultural care dedicated to crafting menus for children. Within Italian culinary tradition, every dish represents a fusion of passion for quality ingredients and reverence for food culture. Children’s menus are no exception, meticulously designed not only to provide nourishment but also to cultivate a taste for healthy eating. This dedication is evident in the commitment to offer balanced, flavorful meals that cater specifically to children’s nutritional needs, while preserving genuine flavors and the culinary heritage that defines Italy.

The professional figure of the pre school teacher

The recognized nursery school, acknowledged by decree no. 745 of 21/01/2002 according to Law no. 62 of 10th March 2000, is an educational institution dedicated to providing a safe and stimulating environment for children aged 3 to 6 to learn and grow.

Our faculty consists of highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in teaching preschool-aged children. Capable of creating a positive and nurturing learning environment, they encourage children to explore, discover, and learn through play and social interaction. Additionally, the nursery school faculty is committed to providing a balanced education focusing on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children.

The entire educational staff embodies the evocative image of a welcoming, encouraging, guiding, responsible, and participative adult.

The educational style of the teachers is based on principles of listening, guidance, interactive participation, communicative mediation, with a continuous ability to observe the child, embrace their world, interpret their discoveries, and support and encourage the evolution of their learning towards increasingly autonomous and aware forms of knowledge.

The teaching professionalism is enhanced through collaborative work, reflection on teaching practices, ongoing in-service training by attending pedagogical courses and conferences, technical courses, and religious education in Catholicism (I.R.C.) endorsed by the FISM (Italian Federation of Nursery Schools) in Padua.

The establishment of a professional community enriched with relationships, oriented towards innovation, and sharing knowledge, is encouraged by the educational function of the internal school Coordinator and the presence of territorial pedagogical coordination.

Useful Links



  • La rete degli URP del Veneto It provides information about childcare services, including daycares, childhood centers, corporate nurseries, and more.


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